Differences Between BetBurger and Trademate Sports
Before getting into all the factors that differentiate Trademate Sports and BetBurger it is important to note that Betburger offers both a pre-match value betting software and a live value betting software. So in this article, we will compare the differences between Trademate Sports Software and pre-match BetBurger Software.
If you are new to value betting you might be asking yourself what exactly is value betting and how does a value betting software work? Basically what a value betting software does is that it scans odds across multiple bookmakers in order to find inaccuracies in betting markets and gives you an opportunity to exploit those inaccuracies. This is a big topic that deserves its own article and you can read more about it here.
Free Trial
With the Trademate Sports Free Trial, you will get the same edges as a person who has a subscription to Trademate Sports. It basically means that you will get edges of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, etc and there is no delay on these edges because they pop up as soon as they are created. With the BetBurger software, you will have a 900 seconds (15 minutes) delay in comparison to a person who has a subscription to BetBurger. This is a big drawback because by the time the bet appears on your screen the edge will most likely be gone and you will not be able to take advantage of it and next to that it is only possible to get edges that are up to 2% in value.
You can join our Facebook group Beat the Bookmakers to get an extra 7 days of a free trial with the code BTB.
Closing EV
Sports Betting is a great investment if you are serious about making long-term profits from it. And in order to do that, it is important to have a benchmark that you can use to assess your results and what you can expect in the long-run. In sports betting, the best benchmark to use is the closing line, because the sports betting markets are at their most efficient right before the kick-off of a match. Therefore, inside Trademate you will see that we measure both your edge when the trade is placed and the edge at closing. The most important metric to look at is the Closing EV % of each trade and your overall Closing EV on your dashboard. That way you will be able to track exactly what your expected profits should be. BetBurger does not track the closing lines of your bets which means you are ‘left in the dark’ in terms of what your expected profits should be and whether your bets are profitable long-term.
Closing EV is an advanced topic about which you can find out more in this article here or you can watch this video below where the Co-Founder of Trademate Sports, Jonas Gjelstad explains all about it.
To read the rest of the differences between BetBurger and Trademate Sports, click on the link below.
Originally published at http://www.tradematesports.com.